Public safety and police departments are under increasing scrutiny to meet the challenge of new laws and increasing security threats. Drawing on an objective perspective of your agency’s performance and practices can lead to new efficiencies, 加强监督管理, 确认部门的优势, 确定需要改进的地方. 最重要的是, an independent perspective provides greater transparency and an opportunity to regain or deepen your community’s trust. 皇家88娱乐的团队领导了, planned and implemented many of the most comprehensive advancements in public safety over the past three decades, 来自当地, state and national levels of government to academic and medical institutions.
Our team will conduct an objective evaluation of your police department’s operations to help improve its performance and counter any gaps and deficiencies with measures aligned with national law enforcement best practices. Police consultant services include assessments of the entire department or individual units (e.g.(如内部事务)或问题(如.g., community policing, use of force, staffing).
We’ll help you become more effective as city and police leaders in how you investigate public integrity issues and share findings with community stakeholders. Engage us as objective third-party experts to conduct administrative investigations in addition to psychological risk assessments and fitness-for-duty examinations.
一起工作, 皇家88娱乐将创建一个clear, 可操作的, multi-year strategy that defines the department’s objectives, 确定路线图, sets milestones and a schedule and advance the department measurably toward modernization and transformation.
皇家88娱乐是如何保护自己的 你的世界
Our assessment report presented a clear roadmap to help the LMPD establish a new policing environment in which the department and the community are equal partners in the coproduction of public safety.
How to Transform the Culture of Your Police Department
Across the country, changes are starting to happen in our 18,000 local police departments
Police Civilian Oversight: An Overview of Four Top Models
If you’re considering police civilian oversight as a strategy, the following are the 4 most common civilian oversight models
法学博士, 文学硕士 理学学士学位; Fulbright Fellowship for Police Studies, United Kingdom, 全国科学院第192届毕业生 总统, 董事会成员, Member, Member
法学博士, 刑事司法理学硕士, 理学学士学位; Certified Ethics Instructor + Polygraph Examiner, 认证监察长 Member
文学士,法律研究, 硕士,刑事司法, DA,领导力研究; 注册力科学分析师
MA, BA, 过去的总统, 过去的总统
M.S.刑事司法; B.S.刑事司法; 注册欺诈审查员 注册反洗钱专家 注册防护专家
BS -刑事司法; 理科硕士-刑事/社会司法; MA - Organizational Leadership - Focus on Training & 的发展, Candidate-EdD - Organizational Leadership, Instructor for Basic Law Enforcement Training + Crisis Intervention Team Member, 保安评估专员 Member, Member
领导力与管理. for Experienced Law Enforcement Professionals, Graduate
毕业于俄亥俄州立公路巡逻学院, 俄亥俄州立大学课程